Rachel Anne - Sacred Heart Tattoo

Rachel Anne was born in 'New York' and raised by wolves in the wilds of 'New England'.  After being taken in by wandering gypsies she ended up in Virginia where she eventually landed an apprenticeship with Ben Miller of Ben Around Tattoos & Offbeat Gallery.  After four years of humanization and direction, she struck off on her own gypsy ramble and ended up in Hotlanta, GA, where she worked for four years at "Sacred Heart" and travelled to conventions all over the country. Newly adopted by Liberty, Rachel enjoys taxidermy, crafting, history, and the written word.  She loves anything circus, freakshow, victorian, or just plain creepy in general.  In her spare time she likes to paint hot babes, "shoot guns", and people watch.
When asked about how she got into tattooing she brings up the well known story but with a rather interesting twist: she’s always been able to draw but never fully took advantage of the fact. She became a college history student albeit one who got bored, started getting a lot of tattoos and found the huge appeal of the scene so irresistible that she couldn’t help falling into it!
Five years ago, after having just moved from Connecticut to 'Virginia', Rachel was introduced to Miller, proprietor of "Ben Around Tattoos" and "Offbeat Gallery". After convincing him to take her under his wing, she began her apprenticeship as a 'tattoo artist'. A handful of years later, she is now living in 'Atlanta', Ga. with a good start at creating her part of the mythology behind female tattoo artists. Which pretty much brings us up to date...who needs a drink?
She’s big on the convention scene, currently doing fifteen to twenty of the things a year, but she’s only been tattooing two and a half years! It’s logical, though: Rachel undertook a four and a half year apprenticeship with the much admired Ben Miller and talks about how she has picked up a lot along the way; she’s currently based at "Sacred Heart Tattoo" in 'Georgia'.
Currently employed by "Sacred Heart Tattoo", Rachel is young, "sassy", and, above all else, hip to everything that we think of as cool. At the tender age of twenty-three, she's an accomplished "tattoo artist", an avid rider of bikes, and, let us not forget, has a pretty extensive collection of "professional tattoos". Her chestpiece was done by 'Tim Kern', her "rose tattoo", "face tattoos", and the bird on her "hand tattoo" are by 'Mikey Jenkins'. 'Phil Colvin' and 'Dave Kruseman', both at "Memorial Tattoo", did her finger tattoos. The bulk of her work – the majority of the black and gray, the "guns tattoo" on her "hips", and one of her "rib" panels – were all done by the man who taught her to tattoo, Ben Miller.



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